Rising Temps: Summer Heat Safety for Pets

Practice summer heat safety with pets to avoid heatstroke. During the summer, many of us are on the go. We’re outdoors playing, hiking, boating, or just hanging out in the backyard with friends and family. For pet owners, this also means including our pets in all the fun.  

However, the summer heat and humidity can cause problems for our furry loved ones. That’s why Clairmont Animal Hospital wants to take a moment to review some tips for summer heat safety for pets.

The Basics

Temperatures are rising all over the Decatur area, and it’s important to know that pets don’t sweat the same way that humans do. Imagine wearing a fur coat all summer long! It’s easy to see why preventing overheating in our pets is so important. If you think it’s hot outside (or inside!), it’s even hotter for your pet. Continue…

Soak up These Summer Pet Safety Tips

Clairmont_iStock_000089409701_LargeConsidering all the potential mishaps that could befall your precious pet this summer, you might just resolve to stay home until September. Severe weather, heatstroke, accidental poisonings, and other dangers can quickly dampen a good summer mood. However, with our tips for summer pet safety, you can protect your companion from all the typical hazards this time of year.

A Neverending List

Some of the dangers to watch out for are fairly obvious while others are more surprising. Remember, the team at Clairmont Animal Hospital is always here to answer questions and concerns about summer pet safety. Continue…