Stop It, Already! 4 Common Pet Behavioral Problems and How to Solve Them

Brown dog digging hole in yard.

Our pets are the joy of our lives, but sometimes they can present some challenging behaviors we’d like to avoid. Most cats and dogs have behavior problems here and there, but if your pet is engaging in destructive behaviors like chewing, scratching, or having accidents in the home it may be time to take action.

There are a number of common pet behavioral problems we hear about at Clairmont Animal Hospital. Let’s take a closer look at what you can do to help redirect your sweet fur friend.


Making a Plan to Prevent Pet Separation Anxiety Post-COVID-19

Pets are ruled by routine because it makes them feel safe and secure. They thrive when they get meals at the same time, daily walks during the regular morning or evening hours, and snuggles (all the time). 

Because of the stay-at-home order, your pet happily adjusted to a new way of life, which included having their people around more often and, most likely, on a more pet-centric routine. Now that we have gone back to work (or getting ready to), we are preparing for the change, but may not consider this impact on our pets.

Some pet owners have already felt the effects of pet separation anxiety in their households. This is why the team at Clairmont Animal Hospital wants to help you ready your pet for the transition.
