Keeping Your Pet Safe Around Poisonous Plants

Cat on windowsill eating a houseplant.

Plants are easy prey for herbivores. Unable to evade hungry predators, many botanicals developed chemicals in order to stay safe and alive. They look so beautiful, and yet, many plants are capable of causing various maladies in both animals and people. To keep your pet safe around poisonous plants (inside the home and in the great outdoors), we offer some effective strategies:


How to Keep Your Pet Safe While Traveling This Summer

Dog traveling in car.

Summer is the perfect time of year to escape and enjoy some time traveling. For many people, summer vacation means bringing along all members of the family, including pets! While traveling with pets can be fun, you must also be prepared to keep your pets safe and comfortable on the trip. 

The team at Clairmont Animal Hospital has put together this list of pet safety tips to keep your pet happy, healthy and well-cared for while traveling this summer:


An Explanation of Clairmont Animal Hospital’s Increased Wait Times

Dog in hospital with veterinarian.

At Clairmont Animal Hospital, one of our top priorities is to give you a pleasant experience any time you visit our facilities. We know there have recently been increased wait times for phone calls and appointments, and we want to give you an inside look into our new reality to help you understand what’s been happening. Covid-19 has changed all our lives, and it has also impacted the way we see patients.


How to Identify External Parasites on Your Pet

Decatur, GA dog itching fleas.

You’re grooming your pet and you feel a lump. You run your hand through the fur until you locate the lump, part the hair, and gasp! It’s a tick! You know it’s a tick because the mouth is stuck in your pet’s skin. Ticks and other parasites can harm your pet and cause some unexpected health issues. At Clairmont Animal Hospital, we want to help you keep your household animals healthy by learning to identify parasites that may be thriving on your animals:


A Real Issue: Counterfeit Drugs and the Online Pharmacy for Pet Medications

A dog sits with his owner who shops on an online pharmacy.

Here in the twenty-first century, we are all about having things at our fingertips. With just a click of a button, we can schedule a doctor’s visit, have our groceries delivered, or start our robot vacuum from miles away. The appeal of being able to order our pet wellness products and medications online for direct delivery is strong.

Clairmont Animal Hospital knows how convenient this is, but we also see some pitfalls and even dangers in the online pharmacy option. We want to be sure that our clients know how to keep their pets safe when using this option and avoid dangerous consequences like counterfeit drugs.


While Not Perilous, a Reverse Sneeze Attack Can Sound Pretty Scary

A dog in mid-sneeze.

If you have never heard a reverse sneeze, you might be alarmingly triggered by its signature sounds. Generally speaking, a dog that suddenly begins to honk, wheeze, and snort might require emergency veterinary help. However, a reverse sneeze isn’t usually a cause for concern. Sure, it’s weird and uncharacteristic for many animals, but this mechanism is employed for specific reasons. What’s more, if you know what it is, you can help your dog regulate their breathing and interrupt this strange breathing.


What You Need To Know About Zoonotic Diseases

A woman gives her dog a kiss.

At this time last year, most people had probably never heard of a “zoonotic disease,” which is one that can be passed from an animal to a human. After losing twelve months and counting to the global pandemic, however, we are all thinking differently about disease prevention and what we can do to keep our families safe.

The team at Clairmont Animal Hospital is here to help you keep your pets happy and healthy and to make it easier to avoid issues with zoonotic diseases that could potentially infect your family.


Stop It, Already! 4 Common Pet Behavioral Problems and How to Solve Them

Brown dog digging hole in yard.

Our pets are the joy of our lives, but sometimes they can present some challenging behaviors we’d like to avoid. Most cats and dogs have behavior problems here and there, but if your pet is engaging in destructive behaviors like chewing, scratching, or having accidents in the home it may be time to take action.

There are a number of common pet behavioral problems we hear about at Clairmont Animal Hospital. Let’s take a closer look at what you can do to help redirect your sweet fur friend.


A Quick Guide to Introducing Your New Pet to Friends & Family

Bringing a new pet home is exciting. Whether they’re young and need lots of training or are a bit older (there are many adoptable senior pets out here), all new pets require a safe introduction to their new environment. Introducing your new pet to your friends and family members (including other pets) is a priority, and managing first impressions is key to lasting trust and confidence.
