Top 5 Blogs of 2023
We’re welcoming the New Year by taking some time to look back at the one we just wrapped up. At Clairmont Animal Hospital, we put a lot of effort into compiling informative blogs to help you get answers to some of your biggest veterinary questions. We love providing content that helps our pet owners offer their animals the best lives. Here are some of our top blogs from the last year:
Continue…The Do’s and Don’ts of Running With Your Dog

Running is a great activity for humans and dogs alike. Our four-legged friends make the best running partners; dogs want to be with us, they have boundless energy, and it’s hard to skip a workout with those puppy dog eyes waiting expectantly at the door.
There are plenty of “do’s” for running with your dog, and a few don’ts as well. Come along with Clairmont Animal Hospital as we check out the basics of a running program with your best fur pal.
The Do’s Of Running With Your Dog
When it comes to running with your dog, we recommend starting with a check-up. Just as with people, you want to have a clean bill of health before starting any new exercise program.
How to Hold a Cat (So They Don’t Freak Out)
Some cats are naturally cuddly and constantly look for and secure a warm lap on which to purr. Others, well, let’s just say they really don’t like being held. They may hide, howl, shriek, and lash out at any open arms, no matter how inviting and unthreatening. It can be daunting to face a fractious cat, but when you adopt our strategies, you’ll not only be able to properly hold a cat, but you can do it in ways that enhance the experience of closeness.
Continue…How Pet Technology Impacts Ownership
Most of us are connected to the web in one way or another every single day. Reading the news, banking, shopping, and planning are almost exclusively done online now, and emailing is a huge part of our daily routines. It only makes sense that pet technology would develop right alongside the many ways we use the internet to make life easier. There are some fantastic trends in pet technology that enhance and impact pet ownership, safety, and health.
Continue…Leash Train a Cat? You Betcha!
Not ones to be outdone by other companion animals, cats are taking center stage more and more. With every passing year, modern domestic cats enjoy all that life has to offer. Sure, many cats still enjoy naps in a sunny window or rolling about getting their belly rubbed. But others are going kayaking or riding in a basket on their owner’s mountain bike. This is all to say that cats can and should enjoy the great outdoors. The best part? You can leash train a cat to stay close to you on walks!
Continue…Exceptional Animals: Training a Deaf Pet
Deafness can occur at any time in a pet’s life, and for several reasons. Many animals are born without their sense of hearing. Whatever the case may be, deaf pets are deserving of a safe and supportive home. There are lots of ways that owners can provide all the elements for a fulfilling and healthy life, and training a deaf pet is an essential part of the process.
Continue…Should I Be Using Organic Dog Food?
We all have heard the saying “you are what you eat.” Nutrition is definitely important and an essential part of taking care of your pet, but choosing your pet’s food can be a daunting task. There are a lot of choices out there from raw dog food to home-cooked to human grade ingredients. One question that we get asked a lot at Clairmont Animal Hospital is whether or not to feed organic dog food. Read on to learn our answer.
Continue…Enjoy Local Hikes and Walks with Your Dog

Have you been spending too much time on the couch? Has your dog been giving you the stink eye every time you pass by the leash? It might be time to dust off those running or hiking shoes. There’s nothing quite like outdoor walks with your dog to get you motivated.
The team at Clairmont Animal Hospital has compiled a few pointers to keep your pet safe, as well as some local suggestions for good fun and exercise.
Safety First: Going on Walks with Your Dog
Before you grab the leash and head outside, make sure you brush up on summer pet safety tips. Be a dog walking pro with the following suggestions:
Continue…Have You Considered Clicker Training Your Dog?
Food is a phenomenal tool when housetraining and teaching obedience commands. The offer of a treat after a display of good behavior helps to reinforce it. Also, punishment or scolding is replaced by ignoring unwanted behavior, ultimately teaching dogs that bad behavior has no benefit.
Originally introduced to marine mammals with a whistle, the idea of using sound to link good behavior has proven highly effective over several decades. If you’ve ever wondered if clicker training your dog would be effective, we’ve got some tips to get started.
Continue…Fill Your Cup: A Look at the Human-Animal Bond
The relationship between people and pets appears to be mutually beneficial, but if we had to guess, we get way more than we give. Responsible pet owners provide food, housing, medical care, protection, enrichment, and affection. But what we receive in return seems to far outweigh our own contributions. Pets give their time, adoration, and loyalty without conditions, which improves our lives and increases longevity. In other words, the human-animal bond impacts our health and makes us happier.