When Is It Time to Get a Second Pet? How to Tell If Your Pet Is Lonely

Pet companionship.

Many of us are drawn to pet ownership because of the impact pets have on our lives. Not only do they inspire a healthier, more active lifestyle, but they bring us countless hours of invaluable companionship. While they are always here when we need them, we may not always be there for them, or provide a specific type of connection. The signs of loneliness may be hard to pin down, but can definitely lead pet owners to question whether or not their best buddy needs an animal companion. 


Leash Train a Cat? You Betcha!

A black cat on a leash.

Not ones to be outdone by other companion animals, cats are taking center stage more and more. With every passing year, modern domestic cats enjoy all that life has to offer. Sure, many cats still enjoy naps in a sunny window or rolling about getting their belly rubbed. But others are going kayaking or riding in a basket on their owner’s mountain bike. This is all to say that cats can and should enjoy the great outdoors. The best part? You can leash train a cat to stay close to you on walks!


Exceptional Animals: Training a Deaf Pet

A puppy yawns in its sibling's ear.

Deafness can occur at any time in a pet’s life, and for several reasons. Many animals are born without their sense of hearing. Whatever the case may be, deaf pets are deserving of a safe and supportive home. There are lots of ways that owners can provide all the elements for a fulfilling and healthy life, and training a deaf pet is an essential part of the process. 


Have You Considered Clicker Training Your Dog?

A little boy clicker training his dog.

Food is a phenomenal tool when housetraining and teaching obedience commands. The offer of a treat after a display of good behavior helps to reinforce it. Also, punishment or scolding is replaced by ignoring unwanted behavior, ultimately teaching dogs that bad behavior has no benefit.  

Originally introduced to marine mammals with a whistle, the idea of using sound to link good behavior has proven highly effective over several decades. If you’ve ever wondered if clicker training your dog would be effective, we’ve got some tips to get started.


Ask Dr. Drool-ittle: Why Do Dogs Slobber?

Dog slobber.

It may be a little like asking why is the sky blue, but it’s perfectly natural to wonder why dogs slobber all over the place. Sure, some breeds are less likely to visibly salivate, whereas others seem to be characterized by a high drool factor. What causes thick, ropy streams of spit to dangle from certain canine lips? And, perhaps more importantly, what can owners do about slobbering?


Stop It, Already! 4 Common Pet Behavioral Problems and How to Solve Them

Brown dog digging hole in yard.

Our pets are the joy of our lives, but sometimes they can present some challenging behaviors we’d like to avoid. Most cats and dogs have behavior problems here and there, but if your pet is engaging in destructive behaviors like chewing, scratching, or having accidents in the home it may be time to take action.

There are a number of common pet behavioral problems we hear about at Clairmont Animal Hospital. Let’s take a closer look at what you can do to help redirect your sweet fur friend.


Making a Plan to Prevent Pet Separation Anxiety Post-COVID-19

Pets are ruled by routine because it makes them feel safe and secure. They thrive when they get meals at the same time, daily walks during the regular morning or evening hours, and snuggles (all the time). 

Because of the stay-at-home order, your pet happily adjusted to a new way of life, which included having their people around more often and, most likely, on a more pet-centric routine. Now that we have gone back to work (or getting ready to), we are preparing for the change, but may not consider this impact on our pets.

Some pet owners have already felt the effects of pet separation anxiety in their households. This is why the team at Clairmont Animal Hospital wants to help you ready your pet for the transition.


Is It Time to Play With Your Dog? Absolutely!

There has never been a better time to play with your dog than right this very minute. The weather’s gorgeous, you’re both feeling a little antsy, and the truth is, a bit of outdoor time goes a long way toward overall health and wellness. 

Whether you’ve got a perfectly content little lap dog or a busy working breed, the time you put in to play with your dog can make all the difference in both of your lives.

The Long View

Depending on your dog’s age and breed, the general recommendation involves 30-60 minutes of exercise every day. This could mean a simple walk around the block, a trip to the park, or a strenuous hike.


Having a Plan Can Soothe Noise Anxiety in Pets

Summer is the busiest time of the year. While your pet may seem to go with the flow, they probably wouldn’t argue with an extended nap in the hammock with their favorite person. 

But even quiet times can be punctuated with construction noise, traffic, lawn mowers, weed wackers, sirens, vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, and other sounds that have the potential to upset even the calmest animals. 

Similarly, thunderstorms and fireworks are common triggers of noise anxiety in pets. Fortunately, there are strategies to soothe and settle powerful fear reactions. 


Weird Cat Behaviors: What’s Normal and What’s Not

Weird cat behaviors are often normal. They’re intelligent, clever, affectionate, and amusing – but cats can also be pretty odd. They puff up when they feel threatened. They click and chatter at birds through the window. They climb, pounce, and ambush their targets. Sometimes, cat owners can become so immersed in their cat’s antics that subtle signals of illness or injury are misjudged. In other words, some cat behaviors can go from being perfectly normal to absolute indications that something is off. So, how do you know the difference?

Such Great Heights

Cats can seem sort of invincible. With their ability to jump several times their own height, climb to dizzying levels, and land gracefully on their feet (most of the time), cats inspire us with their highly evolved skills. To that end, we let a lot of weird, oddball cat behaviors slide because, well, they come with the awesome territory that is cat ownership. Continue…