Soak up These Summer Pet Safety Tips

Clairmont_iStock_000089409701_LargeConsidering all the potential mishaps that could befall your precious pet this summer, you might just resolve to stay home until September. Severe weather, heatstroke, accidental poisonings, and other dangers can quickly dampen a good summer mood. However, with our tips for summer pet safety, you can protect your companion from all the typical hazards this time of year.

A Neverending List

Some of the dangers to watch out for are fairly obvious while others are more surprising. Remember, the team at Clairmont Animal Hospital is always here to answer questions and concerns about summer pet safety. Continue…

Function, Comfort, And Safety: The Benefits Of A Pet Harness

Dog on the railway platformWhen you envision a pet harness, images of sled dogs or assistance animals may come to mind, and your personal experience with either could be nil.

The battle between a leash and a pet harness is not a new one, but many new harnesses now available for your active pet effectively remove strain or choking, and support the smaller necks of some breeds and those with respiratory issues. In short, a good pet harness provides more control during walks – and might just become your second best friend if your pet is prone to pulling or yanking on the leash. Continue…