Pet Laser Therapy Delivers Safe and Efficient Pain Relief

Most people think lasers are dangerous and hot to the touch (like the lightsabers in Star Wars) – and this can certainly be true. But there are also cold lasers that can be incredibly therapeutic when aimed at wounds or painful joints.

Unfortunately, many owners remain unaware of this option, but pet laser therapy has been proven to reduce pain and improve quality of life. Keep reading to learn more about this innovative modality and how it can benefit your pet.    

Full Alignment

We’re fully committed to your pet’s health and happiness. To that end, our veterinarians and staff strive every day to employ a variety of methods and techniques to meet the needs of our patients. Pet laser therapy is just one of the latest technologies we’re pleased to offer at Clairmont Animal Hospital.


Recognizing the Signs of Cancer in Pets

cancer in petsA cancer diagnosis is frightening for anyone, yet cancer is prevalent among humans and our pet companions. Fortunately, these days, advancements in both human and veterinary medicine means treatments are much more effective.

While sometimes similar to humans, the signs and treatments for various types of cancers are unique in pets. The team at Clairmont Animal Hospital is here to alleviate some of the worries around the big “C” and to help you understand more about cancer in pets.
