Paw Diseases in Pets

The pitter patter of tiny feet is often a much loved sound that reminds us of how much we cherish those we share our home with. Our pets’ paws are important, and as their caretakers it is important that we care for and pay attention to them. 

Whether most animal lovers realize it or not, there are several paw diseases in pets that can affect our friend’s comfort and function. At Clairmont Animal Hospital we are happy to be able to help you to look out for your pet, paws and otherwise.


Spotting and Treating Allergies in Pets

If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you know all too well the misery that accompanies the arrival of spring (or summer, or fall, as the case may be). Allergies affect our furry friends as well and, although the symptoms look different they aren’t any less uncomfortable. Allergies in pets can also lead to negative health consequences if they aren’t treated promptly.

Clairmont Animal Hospital wants to make sure you would know how to tell if your pet has allergies, and what you can do to help them.


The Yucky Truth About Cat Hairballs 

It is widely accepted among cat owners that an occasional hairball is just par for the course. However, while all cats groom their fur coats, frequent hairballs definitely (more than about once per month) veer from what is considered normal, and should generate a special inquiry.

What We’re Really Talking About

Cats learn to groom themselves from their mothers, but they aren’t really good at it until they reach adulthood. For this reason, kittens rarely hack up hairballs. 

The feline tongue is covered with minute spikes that make easy work of picking up loose/dead hair, dirt, and debris. Since they only face backwards (towards the throat), anything picked up on the tongue is swallowed.


Age Is Not A Disease: Taking Great Care of Your Senior Pet

Has your pet entered their Golden Years? Maybe you have noticed a little gray on the muzzle of your fur baby, or that they seem to be moving a little more slowly than in years past?

Just as in humans, pets who are aging need a few adjustments in their environment to help keep them comfortable. But with better pet nutrition, more access to advanced medical care, and our better understanding of what pets need to stay healthy, we can all give our senior pets the happy golden years they deserve. Read on to find out how. 


Water, Water Everywhere: Keeping an Eye on Pet Hydration

Brown dog drinks from a water bottle

We all know how important water is to our survival, and the same goes for our pets. Because dogs and cats don’t regulate their body temperatures as efficiently as humans, it’s easy for them to become dehydrated – especially during the warmer months. With Pet Hydration Month occurring, it is the perfect time to discuss proper hydration for our furry friends.


Pet Ear Cleaning Made Simple

You can tell so much about your pet by looking at their ears. These adorable and expressive body parts are not only a vehicle for sensory input, they also convey emotion and are an important means of communication.

Keeping your dog’s or cat’s ears in tip-top shape is an important part of pet care. Dog ears in particular are prone to problems, thanks to a horizontal ear canal that makes it easy for dirt and debris to become trapped. Clairmont Animal Hospital is happy to walk you through the basics of pet ear cleaning.


Pet Laser Therapy Delivers Safe and Efficient Pain Relief

Most people think lasers are dangerous and hot to the touch (like the lightsabers in Star Wars) – and this can certainly be true. But there are also cold lasers that can be incredibly therapeutic when aimed at wounds or painful joints.

Unfortunately, many owners remain unaware of this option, but pet laser therapy has been proven to reduce pain and improve quality of life. Keep reading to learn more about this innovative modality and how it can benefit your pet.    

Full Alignment

We’re fully committed to your pet’s health and happiness. To that end, our veterinarians and staff strive every day to employ a variety of methods and techniques to meet the needs of our patients. Pet laser therapy is just one of the latest technologies we’re pleased to offer at Clairmont Animal Hospital.


What Does AAHA Accreditation Mean for Your and Your Pet?

Have you ever heard of AAHA, or seen the accreditation logo at our veterinary hospital? Many pet owners have not. AAHA stands for the American Animal Hospital Association. This designation is often misunderstood if not virtually unknown – but it’s an important one for you and your pet.

Does your pet’s hospital have an AAHA accreditation? And what exactly does it mean for you, and more importantly, for your pet? Here, Clairmont Animal Hospital explains.


Clairmont Animal Hospital’s Top 5 Pet Care Blogs of 2018!

Social media is great at highlighting some of the more memorable moments from the past year, and most people love this form of reflection. Often, it’s the pictures of children or babies that make us pause to measure the passage of time. For others, it may be a picture of their pet from earlier in the year (or one when they were just a pup or kitten!).

Regardless of how people – especially pet owners – look back at the previous 12 months or so, the impact remains the same. For us, we’re thrilled to be able to review and contemplate our top 5 pet care blogs of 2018.


Rising Temps: Summer Heat Safety for Pets

Practice summer heat safety with pets to avoid heatstroke. During the summer, many of us are on the go. We’re outdoors playing, hiking, boating, or just hanging out in the backyard with friends and family. For pet owners, this also means including our pets in all the fun.  

However, the summer heat and humidity can cause problems for our furry loved ones. That’s why Clairmont Animal Hospital wants to take a moment to review some tips for summer heat safety for pets.

The Basics

Temperatures are rising all over the Decatur area, and it’s important to know that pets don’t sweat the same way that humans do. Imagine wearing a fur coat all summer long! It’s easy to see why preventing overheating in our pets is so important. If you think it’s hot outside (or inside!), it’s even hotter for your pet. Continue…