How to Cat Proof a Christmas Tree and Other Holiday Pet Decoration Tips
When you have a kitty at home, the holiday season can bring more stress than joy. What if the cat tries to climb the tree? What if she breaks your great-grandma’s heirloom ornament, the one that was passed down to you when she passed away? What if your kitty rips open the gifts under the tree or knocks down your menorah or Kwanzaa candles?
Luckily for you, the team at Clairmont Animal Hospital has seen it all—and we’ve got tips to share with you! Read on to find out everything you need to know about making holiday decorations safe for pets.
Continue…Holiday Pet Treats to Remember All Year
Most owners consider their pets to be close members of the family, so it makes sense to want to indulge them during the holidays. Unfortunately, this doesn’t include sneaking them scraps of turkey or stuffing under the table. That’s why we’ve gathered some delicious holiday pet treats that your fur pal will find both filling and satisfying.
Before the Goodness
Weight gain during the holidays isn’t restricted to humans. A decline in outdoor exercise paired with tasty holiday indulgences can add a few pounds to your pet’s waistline. If you have doubts about your pet’s weight or diet, please let us know. We can help develop a plan to support your companion’s seasonal wellness.
Halloween Safety for Pets
Halloween can be a spooky time for everyone involved, especially our pets. From costumed strangers to eerie decorations, it can be difficult for our pets to process the festivities. Add poisonous candy and dangerous decor to the mix and you have one boiling witch’s cauldron worth of a potential pet disaster on your hands!
Read on for tips on how to make your pet’s Halloween free of fright!
Continue…Avoid the Emergency Room With Our Thanksgiving Pet Safety Tips

Of all the things most pet owners are grateful for this time of year, their pet’s health typically ranks pretty high on the list. But keeping them safe, comfortable and healthy isn’t always easy. With all the potential risks that face them, a few seasonal reminders sure do come in handy!
The concept of Thanksgiving pet safety may sound quite simple, but it’s more than just keeping your pet out of the kitchen. Whether you’re traveling or hosting this year, we hope that our tips keep your pet far away from harm.
Continue…Having a Plan Can Soothe Noise Anxiety in Pets

Summer is the busiest time of the year. While your pet may seem to go with the flow, they probably wouldn’t argue with an extended nap in the hammock with their favorite person.
But even quiet times can be punctuated with construction noise, traffic, lawn mowers, weed wackers, sirens, vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, and other sounds that have the potential to upset even the calmest animals.
Similarly, thunderstorms and fireworks are common triggers of noise anxiety in pets. Fortunately, there are strategies to soothe and settle powerful fear reactions.
Continue…Stumped? Not With Our Top Pet Gift Ideas of the Season
It may seem indulgent to purchase and wrap presents for pets, but it’s actually very thoughtful. While we can’t necessarily speak for your pet in this situation, our best guess is that they appreciate anything you give them. Like us, animals like new stuff. They love to make things theirs. Whether it’s by slobbering all over them, cuddling them, or batting them about, the following pet gift ideas aim to please everyone in your household.
‘Tis the Season of Safety: Your Guide to Safe Pet Gifts
Regardless of whether your pet was naughty or nice this year, you are probably adding them to your holiday shopping list. Here at Clairmont Animal Hospital, we agree that our pets deserve to share in our holiday traditions, but it’s also important to keep their safety in mind.
Finding safe pet gifts is an important responsibility, and one that we don’t take lightly. We’ve put together a list of gift ideas that we think are just perfect for showing your furry friend how much you appreciate him or her this holiday season.
Keeping Your Pets Safe: The Best Christmas Gift Ever
A safe pet is a happy pet, and a happy pet is what pet owners strive for. It can be difficult to keep some pets from getting into trouble, though; and during the holiday season that task can be even more difficult than usual…
Keep Your Pets Safe in the Kitchen This Holiday Season
Many people’s kitchens are a bustling place this time of year. However, the kitchen can be a dangerous place for pet. In addition to dangers of sharp, hot, and “coming through!”, it is important to keep food items that can be hazardous to pets out of reach. Tasty holiday treats are often tempting to the four-legged members of our household and should be stored with care. Continue…