For Their Own Good: Time to Focus on Pet Poison Prevention 

A dog looking longingly at chocolate.

At first glance, it might seem arbitrary that March is designated Pet Poison Prevention Month, but it’s actually the perfect time to raise awareness. We just finished one of the most chocolate-centric holidays of the year (thanks, Valentines, Day!), and we’re heading toward Easter. Not only that, but the spring season is just about to pop with seasonal color, along with plenty of opportunities for accidental pet poisonings. 

With a little bit of diligence, we can avoid pet toxins and work toward enjoying the season together!


Common Symptoms of Snake Bites in Pets

dog looking at snake.

Georgia is home to a rich ecosystem that includes 47 snake species. They rarely attack unprovoked, but snakes will certainly defend themselves if they feel threatened by people or pets. With population growth and encroaching development, encounters with snakes are increasing. Whether you witness a snake bite first hand or you notice common symptoms of snake bites in pets, it is important to take quick action.


Prepare for Anything: Disaster Preparedness for Pets

A wet dog next to a flood.

Your family and place of work likely have plans in case of some kind of disaster. You likely also have some basic idea of what to do if there is a fire, tornado, or hurricane. Have you thought about how your pets fit into your plans, though? Clairmont Animal Hospital challenges you to stop and make a plan for disaster preparedness for pets.


How to Build Your Own Pet First Aid Kit

Having a pet first aid kit is part of being a responsible pet owner.Having a pet first aid kit on hand is a smart idea – after all, we all know a pet (ahem!) who is a little accident prone. A pet first aid kit also comes in handy during a natural disaster or if you’re stranded far from immediate help. With the arrival of camping season and outdoor summer adventures, now is a great time to assemble a pet first aid kit. Continue…