The weather outside may be frightful, but that doesn’t mean that fun inside can’t be delightful! If you and your pets are feeling a little stir crazy, Clairmont Animal Hospital has just the ideas you need for some fun winter pet activities.
Banishing the Blues
When the temperatures drop, the daylight hours diminish, and we spend more time indoors, things can get a little depressing. Chances are that you and your pet are less active. This can lead to some potential problems.
Boredom and lack of stimulation can lead to issues such as:
- Increase in anxious habits such as barking and pacing
- Destructive behaviors
- Potential obsessive tendencies
- Weight gain
Lack of activity in the colder weather can have some pretty serious consequences.
Winter Pet Activities
So what is a pet owner to do when it is too cold and dark to play outside? Let our amazing staff help you get creative with winter pet activities.
Get physical — There are all sorts of fun ways to ramp up your physical activity without setting foot outside. You can initiate a game of fetch in a hallway or open area in your home or bust out the laser pointer. Some pets also enjoy a good game of hide-and-seek (simply hide favorite treats, toys, or even yourself). Most pets need at least fifteen minutes of physical activity each day.
Brain waves — Mental stimulation is just as important as physical activity. Look at interactive puzzle games and toys for your pet. There are tons of great options. You might consider stopping at the library and checking out a book with ideas for teaching tricks as well. Teachig for fun counts as mental work!
Get out — You can definitely get your pet out of the house without spending much time outdoors. Visit an indoor dog park, drop your pet off for a day of doggy day care, or arrange a puppy play date at a friend’s home. Give us a call to make sure your pet is up to date on all recommended vaccinations for rendezvous with other pups.
Treat yourself — Take advantage of the crummy weather and indulge in a little pampering. Give your pet a bath, a good brush out, and a nail trim. Learn a little puppy massage or paint your pooch’s nails with pet-safe polish. Nothing is wrong with snuggling on the couch for a good movie, either.
Winter can be difficult, but keep in mind that spring is right around the corner. Before you know it you and your pet will be enjoying time outside again. In the meantime, be sure to try some of our winter pet activities!