Understanding Hypothyroidism in Pets
This time of year, who doesn’t experience a little extra sluggishness? Sure, the weather and inadequate sunlight could explain why your pet doesn’t want to play, but it’s equally possible something else is going on. Characterized by a slackening metabolism, hypothyroidism could be to blame. We can help you understand what to look for and how to help your pet through this common condition.
Continue…Winter Weight Gain: How to Keep Your Pet Fit During the Holidays
As temperatures drop and winter sets in, it’s easy for both pets and their owners to become less active. Unfortunately for our pets, this can lead to weight gain that can, in turn, put your pet at risk of developing health issues.
Continue…Managing Chronic Conditions in Pets During Winter
Cold tolerance ranges from pet to pet, but animals with chronic conditions can be more sensitive to changes in temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure. While extreme shifts in weather signal risks to all pets, older pets, and those with serious health concerns require careful consideration. Our tips for winter pet safety can prevent pain and discomfort, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote overall wellness.
Continue…Pet-Friendly Halloween Activities Near Atlanta
Halloween is just around the corner, and if you’re looking for fun, pet-friendly activities in the Atlanta area, Clairmont Animal Hospital has you covered! From spooky parades to costume contests, there’s something for every furry friend to enjoy. Read on for ideas about where to take your dog for Halloween in Atlanta, Georgia, and make the most of this festive season.
Continue…How Pain and Discomfort Affect Senior Pet Behavior
Since pets grow up so rapidly and then plateau for several years, the longest life stage is actually the senior or geriatric lifestage. As most pets become seniors around the age of 6 or 7 years old, and potentially live near or well past 15, the senior life stage is of crucial importance. With strategies to maintain optimal health, senior pets can enjoy continued comfort, mobility, and flexibility. However, most senior pets do experience some level of pain and discomfort that can affect their behavior.
Thin Air: Protecting Brachycephalic Breeds From The Heat
Of the most popular dog breeds in the Atlanta area, French Bulldogs and Bulldogs round out the top five. Perhaps it is their unique charm and inexplicable cute factor that endear them to owners and dog lovers alike, but this can often come at a cost. Indeed, the anatomy of these special brachycephalic breeds can cause problematic breathing, a matter made worse by the scorching temperatures of high summer.
Clairmont Animal Hospital understands the importance of protecting brachycephalic breeds from the heat, and hope we can all increase the safety and comfort of these unique pets.
Continue…Signs Your Pet May Be Going Blind
Our eyes are important for functioning and navigating the world. While it is possible to live a full life without vision, it is certainly ideal to protect this important sense when possible. Pet vision is no different, and protecting their eyes is important. Learn about eye care for pets from your friends at Clairmont Animal Hospital and how to identify if your pet’s vision is impaired.
Continue…Swimming Safety: Tips for Introducing Your Pet to Water
During the summer, there’s nothing like jumping into a crisp, cool body of water. If you want to include your pet in this summer fun, it’s important to do so safely. Introducing your pet to water could be the best way to beat the heat, and with our guide to swimming safety, you can both enjoy all the season has to offer.
Continue…Feeding Guidelines for Different Life Stages of Pets
When it comes to feeding pets, there is no such thing as a “one-food-fits-all” approach. Providing pets with a diet optimized for each life stage promotes better overall health, and in this blog, our team at Clairmont Animal Hospital helps you put the best nutrition possible on your pet’s plate.
Continue…Severe Weather And Thunderstorm Preparedness For Pets
Hurricane and thunderstorm season is fast approaching here in Georgia, and the thunder, lightning, deluge, and potential for natural disaster can leave our pets particularly vulnerable. Your friends at Clairmont Animal Hospital would like to take this opportunity to discuss strategies for protecting and providing for your pet’s comfort and safety during severe weather.
Thunderstorm Preparedness For Pets
Many pets experience high levels of fear and stress during even slight thunderstorms. In some instances, very frightened pets may even try to escape the home. We recommend the following tips for thunderstorm preparedness for pets: